Some may be aware and familiar of the blog covering Rob Rufus's ministry called "Grace and Glory!". I started it the year before last when the amount of sermons of Rob's I was transcribing became considerable. I have reached that point with Ryan Rufus - thus I've asked his permission to begin a blog covering his considerable ministry. Fortunately he agreed!
So who is Ryan?

Most recently - Ryan has preached and taken on exceptionally "difficult" passages of Scripture such as Hebrews 12 (the 'disciplines' of God) and Hebrews 6 (Can you lose your salvation?). He preaches humbly and doesn't presume to have the answers but preaches convincingly and gently leaving you feeling encouraged, exhorted and built up.
Rob Rufus is in increasing demand across the world supporting churches and church pastors - releasing men and women from decades of legalism into the true glory of the gospel of grace. While he will always be City Church International's father - I suspect (and it is only my personal observation of watching CCI carefully for years now) that Ryan Rufus will increasingly take a leading role in building a strong foundation in Hong Kong and the results from such a strong base.
Hence - this blog is essential - to track such a ministry!
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